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Hello Parents,

Welcome to another great year at the ECC. We’d like to take a minute to introduce you to our ECC Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA is a group of volunteer parents and teachers who come together each year to focus on three main goals: fundraising, showing our appreciation for the teachers of the ECC, and building a community for the parents of kids in the ECC. We are all invested in the ECC because of our children, but many of us have found deep friendships through the parent community.

Fundraising efforts of the PTA (especially through the Pizza and Pajama days) have supported concerts by Gemini and Joe Riley, visits from the Creature Conservancy and Drummunity, the purchase of tablets for each classroom to support Storypark, tricycles for the playground, furniture for the house area in the older kid rooms and additions to the climbers in the toddler rooms.

In addition, with your help, we’ve organized the Teacher Appreciation breakfasts, supported the Teacher Appreciation Dinner at the end of the year, and promoted the Holiday Gifts program in December.

Aside from supporting the ECC, the PTA is also a great opportunity to meet other parents. Check the ECC Calendar for more meeting dates.

We hope that lots of Moms and Dads will join us as we think about the fun we want to plan for our kids and ourselves during the 2022-2023 school year.  If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact the ECC office at [email protected].