We are committed to making sure that the JCC’s programs are available to all members of the community. The JCC has scholarship assistance available to help offset the costs of ECC tuition.  Families interested in financial aid for the 2023-24 school year should submit a letter requesting financial aid, along with the necessary supporting documentation (listed below) to [email protected].

Note: in some cases, such as families from overseas or those receiving subsidies or scholarships from other sources, additional documentation may be requested.  See below for more information.

Criteria for awarding scholarships for Early Childhood and/or Camp

  • The JCC uses the Federal Poverty Guidelines and Federal Poverty Level (FPL), updated each year, as the baseline for determining financial aid. Applicant AGI (Adjusted Gross Income) must be at or below 250% FPL to qualify, although we will take extenuating circumstances into account.
  • The guidelines for awards are as follows:
    • AGI at 250-300% FPL = 10% discount
    • AGI at 200-250% FPL = 15% discount
    • AGI below 200% FPL = 20% discount
  • The goal of the financial aid policy is to provide aid to all applicants with demonstrated need. Therefore, these percentages will be adjusted, as needed, so the total value of scholarships fits within the funds available for scholarships. If the total is x% higher than the available funds, scholarships will reduced by the same x% across the board.

Required Documentation

  • Federal Tax Returns: All signed copies of the most recent Federal Tax returns and attached schedules are acceptable.
  • Foreign Tax Returns: If you or your spouse filed a foreign tax return you must submit a signed copy of the most recent returns.
  • Documentation of any other sources of financial assistance. (for example: a statement from the University of Michigan financial aid office with the amount of any childcare subsidy awarded, documentation of a Jewish Family Services camp scholarship.)

How scholarships and discounts are applied:

  • Sibling Discount: this discount will be applied to the child with the highest tuition. If there is more than one child, other child(ren) will automatically get a 10% discount (standard JCC policy).
  • Scholarships and sibling discounts cannot be combined. (e.g. a family with two children receiving a 10% scholarship will receive a 10% reduction for both children.)

Are you an employee or graduate student at the University of Michigan?  You may be eligible for the university’s Child Care Subsidy program.