Tai Chi for Seniors

NEXT SESSIONS: THURSDAYS FROM 10:30-11:30 AM, September 12 – November 21, 2024

Instructor: Karla Groesbeck from Tai Chi Love Studios

Course Level: Beginner

Course Description

Qi (“chee”) is life energy. Gong (means work or practice). Qigong and Tai Chi are perhaps the most effective way to develop balanced health for the body and the mind. These mind body exercises are ancient, time-tested traditional Chinese methods of self-development, and a subtle blend of the most refined medical, meditative and martial knowledge combining self-discipline, graceful movement and effortless power.

Enjoy slow, low-impact mind-body exercise that strengthen muscles, improves balance and motor control and facilitates mindfulness and concentration. Practice simple, smooth whole-body movements that can improve your quality of life when added to your daily routine. Light, fun, refreshing warm-ups include stretching, joint revolutions, loosening, and silk reeling exercise. Learn simple, yet profound, Qigong and Tai Chi forms that you can practice on your own.

Qigong & Tai Chi promote:

• Improved overall health
• Calmness and focus of mind
• Increased energy
• Suppleness, strength, co-ordination, balance, and agility
• Relaxation and freedom from stress & tension
• Strengthening of the internal functions of the body, such as the immune system, metabolic functions, and cardiovascular system
• Understanding of the body’s processes and self-healing
• Harmony with the natural laws of human life

Students develop increasing physical and mental skills, as awareness and understanding of all aspects of their self increases. You can learn and practice at your individual pace, and, as there are ever-new levels, throughout the rest of your life. These disciplines rely on a mindful re-discovery of the body to enrich and inspire one’s experience of any aspect of life.

Course Title: Beginner Qigong & Tai Chi: Stretch, De-Stress & Empower

No matter your age or fitness level, the practice of meditation & mind-body exercise can bring calm, improve your flexibility, balance, motor skills, and mental focus. Reduce stress and increase vitality through these natural and compelling movements.
Enjoy slow, low-impact mind-body exercise that strengthens muscles, improves balance and motor control and facilitates mindfulness and concentration. Practice simple, smooth whole-body movements that can improve your quality of life when you added to your daily routine. Light, fun, refreshing warm-ups include stretching, joint revolutions, loosening, and silk reeling exercise. Learn simple, yet profound, Qigong and Tai Chi forms that you can practice on your own. Sessions will include:
• History, Theory, Practice and Movement
• Deep breathing techniques
• Stretching, joint revolutions, self-massage, acupressure
• Meditation in motion, 6 Harmonies of Self Composure & Body Coordination
• Qigong: “Seven Movements of the Sky Fisherman” 7 thematic exercises designed to open the energetic meridians, lift the spirit and create calm. Additional sets: Eight Brocades, White Crane & Dragon form.
• Tai Chi: “Symmey 13” – Traditional Yang style, 13 Dimensions, done on the right and left side, packed with principles and power. Great for beginners, yet suitable for advanced. Chen “5 Elements” & Chen 18, both are beginner “Introduction to Laojia Yilu”
• Questions/answers


Please visit the  WCC Community Enrichment page   to see a full list of classes offered for seniors, or  please call (734) 677-5060