Shalom, Families!
Thank you for visiting the Camp Raanana website! We hope that the information provided in its pages will help you learn about our Jewish summer day camp adventure and assist you and your child(ren) in deciding how Camp Raanana fits into your summer plans.
We know that selecting the right camp for your children is an incredibly important decision and can be a lengthy process. We hope you can see that Camp Raanana provides children with the opportunity to grow and learn through a balance of structured and informal activities. There is nothing quite like a summer at Camp Raanana! From the wonderful friendships that are formed to our great camp activities, the memories made each summer will last a lifetime!
As summer approaches, an updated Family Handbook will be made available to you to download in PDF format. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the Camp Raanana staff at [email protected]!